undefinedGAP booklets are the best advice we can give on aviation practice.

Download your own copy of the booklets below or request printed copies via our online order form.

Flying around volcanoes [PDF 3.6 MB]

This booklet will give you an overview of New Zealand’s volcanoes, their hazards, and outline where you can find information on their current activity and the applicable aviation rules.
Published February 2022

Fuel management [PDF 1.4 MB]

This booklet examines the reasons behind the preventable issues of fuel starvation and exhaustion, and contains practical advice to make you more skilled in managing fuels.
Revised April 2021


Helicopter Performance GAP booklet

Helicopter performance [PDF 1.6 MB]

Performance-related helicopter accidents are quite common in New Zealand. This booklet examines factors affecting performance and provides safety guidance to pilots, including examples pilots can test themselves on.
Revised February 2020

Mountain Flying GAP booklet

Mountain flying [PDF 1.5 MB]

In New Zealand, you’re bound to encounter mountainous terrain sooner or later. Special skills, knowledge and flying techniques are needed to navigate such terrain. This booklet outlines how to prepare for such flights.
Revised May 2021


Night VFR GAP booklet

Night VFR [PDF 1.3 MB]

There are more risks and threats flying at night than flying during the day, so it’s essential to be trained specifically for night flying. This booklet looks briefly at some underlying principles and practices, including handling emergencies.
Revised September 2020

Plane talking GAP booklet

Plane talking [PDF 1.7 MB]

Plane talking is about good radio operating practice, including communicating effectively with air traffic control. Read it together with Advisory Circular AC91.9 Radiotelephony Manual.
Revised April 2021


Secure your aircraft [PDF 2.1 MB]

When windy or stormy weather conditions come along, it’s important to secure your aircraft correctly to ensure against damage. This booklet covers all aspects of tying down a variety of aircraft, including types of knots, equipment, ideal tie-down locations, and specific advice for organisations.
Revised February 2024

Take-off and Landing Performance

Take-off and landing performance [PDF 1.9 MB]

A significant number of accidents and incidents occur during take-off and landing. This booklet explains the factors affecting performance during these phases, and explains the responsibilities of the pilot-in-command.
Revised February 2020


VFR Met GAP booklet


This booklet covers all aspects of getting MET, to improve your weather-related decision making.
Revised April 2024

Wake turbulence [PDF 1.2 MB]

All pilots need to be aware of wake turbulence, which also includes jet blast, propeller wash, and rotor wash. Depending on the type of aircraft, phase of flight, and weather conditions, the potential effect of an aircraft’s wake turbulence on other aircraft can vary.
Revised February 2024


Weight and balance [PDF 2.1 MB]

Carefully balancing the load in your aircraft is the key to keeping your centre of gravity within a safe range. This booklet provides good practice advice on how to correctly load your aircraft, to make sure you are safe to fly.
Revised October 2023

Winter flying cover

Winter flying [PDF 2.2 MB]

Whether winter conditions are present because it is winter, or because you’re flying at higher altitude, you can encounter ‘winter flying’ at any time of the year in New Zealand. Whether flying fixed-wing or rotary VFR operations, your preparation may be all that stands between you and harm. This GAP booklet provides a brief introduction, or maybe a refresher, on good safety practices for colder conditions.
Revised May 2023